Supporting farming families and their environment

To prevent modern slavery and environmental risks within our cocoa, coffee and tea supply chains we require third party certification. We ensure 100% of our cocoa and tea and 80% of our coffee is sourced by third party certified providers.

We support the Rainforest Alliance, UTZ, Fairtrade and organic certification schemes, which aim to improve the livelihoods and working conditions for farmers and their families, as well as to develop more environmentally sustainable and efficient farming practices.

These programs help farmers increase the yield of their harvests, improve income and ensure safety, as well as promoting increased understanding and respect for human rights and the environment. For example, the certification program run by Rainforest Alliance in Côte d’Ivoire has meant farmers are producing better, more sustainable crops, increasing their output by 58%, and their net income by a massive 291%. It’s a win-win situation for all involved: our customers get the same great tasting products, knowing that they are also supporting the environment and farming communities at the same time.

We’re proud to say this means our flagship Moser Roth, Choceur and Dairy Fine brands of chocolate are responsibly sourced. The same goes for our award winning Expressi coffee line, selected Diplomat tea varieties, Lazzio Organic coffee and the Just Organic tea and coffee range. To find more certified coffee, cocoa or tea products, look out for these labels in store.